Third-party sites & apps with access to your account

Ask questions and get advice on Google Account features and settings. Visit the Google Account community. Share feedback. Report an issue. Let us know if something isn't working How to Check Google Account Permissions for Third Party Apps Sep 29, 2016 What Has Your Google Account Been up to Recently? Jun 15, 2020 How do I view, edit, and disable Google search history? Jun 30, 2020

Choose which settings will save data in your Google Account. Web & App Activity Saves your activity on Google sites and apps, including associated info like location, to give you faster searches, better recommendations, and more personalized experiences in Maps, Search, and other Google services.

How To Recover Deleted History On Google Chrome - Ultimate

How to See and Delete Your Google History | HowStuffWorks

Can schools see my internet history if I was logged onto a