2013-7-9 · 用小米盒子搭建家庭NAS,成功。话说,上回在小米盒子上可以直接观看电脑里的视频文件。当然得先在电脑上把包含视频的文件夹共享出来咯。这次,就更进一步,用小米盒子搭建一个家庭NAS。就是网络存储了。在网上转了一圈,发现了几个可以用来搭建NAS的Android应用软件。
NAS 和 IP SAN 个人和家庭用户 IT 爱好者 中小型企业 企业 查看所有 NAS 型号 双控制器 IP SAN Synology Directory Server CMS 和维护 多媒体 Photo Station Moments Audio Station Video Station DiskStation Manager 更多信息 Android 手机中的 DLNA 功能怎么用? - 知乎 2014-3-5 unRAID NAS Server Pro 6.8.2 开心版 | HopoL's …
2012-12-4 · Samba是在Linux和UNIX系统上实现SMB协议的一个免费软件,由服务器及客户端程序构成。SMB(Server Messages Block,信息服务块)是一种在局域网上共享文件和打印机的一种通信协议,它为局域网内的不同计算机之间提供文件及打印机等资源的
Connecting to your NAS share. Once installed, you can configure access to a new server in your mobile device. Tap the LAN (Windows shares) option: Tap
Enter your myQNAPcloud name or IP address in “Server Address” and your QNAP NAS user name in “Account Name”. Then click “ Authentication Settings”, and enter the password & preshared key. Click “Connect” to connect to the VPN. Setting L2TP/IPsec on Android 5.0. Go to “Settings” > “VPN”. Click “Add VPN profile”. Mit Android-Gerät auf NAS-System zugreifen - … Mithilfe der passenden Apps greifen Sie mit Ihrem Android- Gerät auf ein NAS-System zu, streamen Musik und Fotos, laden Dateien herunter und verwalten die Netz-Platte. How to Install Synology DSM and turn (Beelink) Mini PC 2020-7-23 · Many of us have a huge amount of various multimedia files that we need to store and have access to at any time. Therefore, a good solution is to convert an available Beelink Mini PC or other Mini PC into a NAS server (Network Attached Storage).Therefore, we will use the Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) software for this solution, which allows simple and easy-to-use powerful multimedia … Android Personal Home Server : 7 Steps (with Pictures Click on it and in the login page enter username: Android , password: Android or the credentials you set in the previous step if changed. If you get problem connecting to the server try reload the page, turn the display on or power the device with the AC adapter (in some devices the standby mode slows down operations due to deep sleep).